joi, 5 decembrie 2013

late night thoughts

I can't be perfect, and I don't even think I want to. I can't fit you perfectly and I can't be exactly what you wanted. I have no idea how to please you or how to be your dream girl but I know I want you to choose me. Me and all my brokenness. Me and all my flaws. Me and all the ways I could make you feel adored.
I think that's what the perfect fit is, actually. A person that can comprehend each and every single one of your blemishes and try to embrace them rather than desperately correct them. Oh, and I have plenty to be embraced.
I don't know how to not be annoying and mean and ignorant. I don't know how to grow, how to become more mature, but I know you could teach me. Because you have the body and the mind of a person that looks like he could teach others a couple of things. A person I want and need right now.
Fuck the stupid tendency to aspire towards perfection and aspire towards something real for a change. Fuck the stupid tendency to aspire towards some sort of utopian love, when in fact all that it is are some words meant to get you what you want.
Be mine and I'll be yours and when we are in doubt regarding us, we'll kiss, make love, bake some cookies or get drunk. I don't know, let's just try it, that's all.
Call me.

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